Smart Phone’s – Not Smart Support

October 15, 2008

Since the launch of the iPhone and similar hand sets, there have been dozens of articles, posts, research papers etc. regarding the influx of mobile communications / mobile web devices into our businesses.

As this article at eWeek by By Roy Mark states;

Many mobile information workers often bring their personal devices into the workplace and generally pay for these devices on their own,” states the report. “In addition, these individuals expect to receive support for their mobility requirements from the corporate IT team.

My one problem with this is the support issue.

How far does it go?

I prefer to supply our devices, simply because sooner or later there is an issue that forces me to call the device or service provider.

If that device is yours, I can’t do it. (try it with a co-workers phone, call the telecom provider with a support issue, trust me, you won’t get far)

So for personal devices, I have to try & give enough testing data to the user in such a way they can contact their telecom provider  for support, or have them beg their provider to have an alternate person call on their account.

That can take hours and days.

Hours and days costs money.

When I supply the device, I can monitor usage patterns to determine the best plans, plus, when an issue has to go to the Telecom provider, our organization is the contact.

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Photo Credit Robert Welsh

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